It's time for a check up!
As a city employee, you are eligible for a variety of health benefits. Once a year, you have an opportunity to change which benefits you would like to have, or just confirm you want to keep what you have.
Your current benefits end Dec. 31, and the plan you select during open enrollment goes into effect Jan. 1
What to do
Review information about plans being offered for the 2019 calendar year (it will be available on the HR page of the intranet shortly)
Beginning Sept. 17, visit My Paycheck
Select the "brain" icon to access Employee Self Service
Select the Open Enrollment tab
Choose your benefits or opt out of coverage
Update your home address and telephone
Confirm/update your emergency contact
Confirm/update your beneficiary for life insurance
Enter any missing social security number/s for dependents
What can you change?
Add/ drop family members to your medical, dental, vision plans – eligibility documentation required
Change medical plans
Re-enroll in flexible spending accounts for 2019
Make changes to additional life and/or AD&D insurance coverages
Enroll/make changes to voluntary plans
During the open enrollment dates, you can change your deferred compensation plan (ICMA or Nationwide) by submitting a change form to Human Resources
Have benefit questions?
HR staff will be available on the dates below from , on a first come first served basis, to assist with online enrollment, spouses are welcome!
Faraday Center – Room 173A
Sept. 17 and Oct. 1
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Faraday Center – Planning Library
Sept. 25 and 27
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Faraday Center – Room 173B
Sept. 18 and Oct. 3
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Oct. 2
Health fair, Zone 5 Park (across from Faraday)
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
What’s changing?
In general, plan medical plans remain the same.
CalPERS has doubled the medical plan’s annual deductible and increased co-pays for the PERS Select PPO plan only.
Dental plan rates remain nearly the same, if not lower, based on your coverage level.
The dental plans benefits have increased and have a wider PPO network.
The orthodontia benefit has increased from $1,500 to $2,000.
Adult orthodontia is now available.
We will be offering Aflac for our critical Illness and accident Insurance voluntary plans.