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City Headlines, 12/12

Village and Barrio Master Plan

City Council directed staff to take next steps to modify Carlsbad’s Village and Barrio Master Plan on Tuesday night. The first step would require future development projects in the entire master plan area to be reviewed and approved by City Council. Currently, City Council approval is not needed for projects in the Barrio.

City Seeking Nominations for Citizen of the Year

The City of Carlsbad is now accepting applications for Citizen of the Year, an annual award recognizing Carlsbad residents who have provided outstanding service to their community. Nominations will be accepted through Jan. 31.

Carlsbad Green Business Network

The City of Carlsbad is the first city in San Diego County to join the California Green Business Network, a statewide network of 4,000 certified businesses in 40 cities that are committed to environmentally sustainable practices.

As part of the California Green Business Network, small to medium sized businesses in Carlsbad can now get certified, have access to energy-saving resources and save money while practicing sustainability.

Lowering the Tracks Survey Closes Dec. 13

On Nov. 20, nearly 100 community members attended a public input workshop with the City of Carlsbad, San Diego Association of Governments and North County Transit District to learn about a project to lower the railroad tracks through the Village and Barrio and provide feedback. An online public input survey is also open until Dec. 13.

Green Waste Recycling Initiative

To support local and statewide goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Carlsbad approved this week a recycling and trash services rate increase to include green waste recycling or composting.

Poinsettia Lane Traffic Lights

In anticipation of the completion of Poinsettia Lane, the City of Carlsbad will take steps to minimize traffic impacts in local neighborhoods by installing new traffic signals and implementing other measures to control speed and cut-through traffic.

Winter/Spring Class Registration Now Open

The City of Carlsbad's Winter 2019/Spring 2020 Community Services Guide is available for online viewing and registration is now open.

Holiday Shopping Safety

The holidays are upon us and that means more and more shoppers will visit the City of Carlsbad’s malls, outlets and plazas. With this increase comes an increased risk for holiday shopping related crime. The Police Department is prepared and wants you to be too.

The Police Department also has tips about preventing holiday package theft at home. In the modern age of online shopping, more and more packages are shipped directly to neighborhoods. Read more

Cannon Art Gallery 2020 Invitational

A new exhibit at Cannon Art Gallery is set to open Dec. 15! The 2020 Invitational presents captivating works of art from Sue DeWulf, Juan Flores, Alison Haley Paul, Annalise Neil and Vicki Walsh. Opening reception is Saturday, Dec. 14 from 5 – 7 p.m. hosted by Carlsbad Friends of the Arts.


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