Employee News: Round 2
The city’s Employee Engagement Team is tasked with keeping employees connected and building relationships. As part of this effort, we bring you the second publication of the Employee Newsletter, which has been put together by employees, for employees. (Drumroll please…)
Take a minute, grab your coffee or tea, and get up to speed on the latest news from city employees. Spoiler alert: This issue cracks the code of the Carlsbad pin (hint: it’s all about teamwork!), features adorable Team Carlsbad kiddos and stories about your city colleagues that are guaranteed to make you go “Hmmm, I never knew that.”
What’s in a name?
We need your help. We’re stuck trying to figure out what to call this newsletter. Please take a moment and vote for your favorite name.
If you have ideas or suggestions for content or want to get involved in the next newsletter, please contact Sheila Cobian via email or give her a call at x2917.
Happy reading. Hope you like it!