Just a reminder that you can get your new ID badge photo taken today and tomorrow upstairs at Faraday, right outside HR. We will be making some minor adjustments to the rest of the schedule based on your feedback. Keep an eye out for new dates, times and locations coming out this week.
We've updated the Q&A with a few new questions that have come up. Still have questions? Email us at communications@carlsbadca.gov.
Why do I need a new photo?
We are creating new ID cards using a different system. This new system will allow employees to use one card to enter city facilities without using a key or door code as well as access the printer network.
Can I use my own photo or the one on my current card? And if not, why?
No. The way the new system is being implemented requires a new photo.
What if I can’t make any of the photo sessions?
You will not be able to access secure building locations without a card. Employees who do not get a photo taken will need to make arrangements at a later date, after the launch of the new system.
Will I be paid for time and mileage?
Yes, however work with your supervisor to try to schedule your session at the nearest location. Any overtime must be approved in advance by your supervisor.
Why is the city changing to this new system?
Keys and access codes are cumbersome to manage and don’t provide as high a level of security as access cards.
When will I get my card, and when will the system go live?
The new access control system will go live in phases, with the Senior Center/Pine Park, all three libraries, city hall and Faraday in the first phase. These locations are expected to starting using the new system in November. Other facilities will be added after that. You will get your new ID card before you need it to access your building(s).
Will part time and hourly staff use the new card to clock in?
No. They will continue to use the card they use now.
Will the new system track my movements in city buildings?
The system will track each employee id individually and have a record of when the IDs are used to access city buildings.
Do I still need an alarm code after hours?
Yes. That will not change.
Do I need to do anything special for my photo?
Nope. Come as you are. If you normally wear a cap as part of your uniform, we’ll want you to take that off for the photo.
Can I get a copy of my photo to use for Outlook or for personal uses?
Yes. Photos will be available to city staff in a community network folder, and you are encouraged to use your ID photo for your Outlook account and other uses.
What information will appear on my new ID card?
Just your name and employee ID. All of the other information will be kept on the chip inside your card.
What does the new card look like?
It has a vertical orientation and features your name and photo prominently.
What if I lose my new card after I get it?
Contact HR to get a new one.
What if I don’t like my photo?
As long as it looks like you, it will be fine.
Do I need to wear my new ID badge?
Yes, employees will be required to wear their new badges. You’ll get a holder when you get your photo taken. Or, you can use your own. Wearing your badge is a security measure that will help make all employees safer (and as a bonus, you’ll forever avoid the awkwardness of forgetting someone’s name).
What about contractors and visitors?
Each department will be provided with visitor badges to be handed out at the discretion of department heads.
Can I get into all buildings and building areas with my new badge?
No. Access will be assigned based on the needs of your job.
Will buildings still have keyed entrances?
Yes, but the locks will be changed once a building converts to the ID badge system. Once this happens, employees will be expected to use their badges to gain access.
What happens when an employee leaves?
HR will deactivate the ID card, similar to how it deactivates email accounts and access to other systems.