UPDATE: No new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported at Faraday prior to the week of Dec. 27, 2022. Therefore, as of Dec. 27, 2022 the facility is no longer under a mask mandate. As always, employees may continue to wear masks, if they choose, as an additional precaution.
Thank you for your patience, support and compliance as we worked through the past few weeks.
Until further notice and until at least Dec. 23, 2022, ALL employees must wear a face covering when inside the Faraday building.
The city has already directly notified those known to have had close contact with contagious individuals and arranged for testing, quarantine or other recommended
precautions and care.
In keeping with the city’s commitment to protecting employee health and following all laws and
guidelines about COVID-19 exposure in the workplace, we are notifying you that, within the past 14 days, multiple confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the following city building:
Close contact is defined by health experts as sharing the same indoor space with an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more within a 24-hour period. If you have not been contacted directly, we have no reason to believe you are at an increased risk of contracting COVID-19 as a result of close contact with the affected individuals.
The city’s practice is to notify employees, independent contractors and other employers who were at the same premises as when an individual was contagious with COVID-19. The individual with COVID-19 could be an employee, contractor, vendor, facility visitor or anyone else known to have been in a city facility while contagious. Due to federal and state privacy laws, the city cannot disclose information about any of the individuals’ identities.
COVID-19 testing
If you have been notified you are a close contact of any of the COVID-19 cases, Human Resources
will inform you of your next steps. If you have not been notified you are a close contact and if
you reported to work in the last 14 days to Faraday, you are encouraged to get tested for COVID-19 immediately and once again one week later. More information is available on the CDPH’s website.
You may use work time to get tested. Health plans are required to cover COVID-19 tests at no cost. It is recommended that you first contact your health care provider for a COVID-19 test. If you are unable to get a test from your health care provider, contact Human Resources for assistance. At home/over-the-counter tests may be both self-administered and self-read, provided verification of the test results are provided to designated city officials.
Please coordinate with your supervisor if you plan to get tested during work hours. For employees who have worked in a building where multiple confirmed cases of COVID 19 have occurred, weekly testing is recommended until no new cases have been detected in the building for 14 days. You may return to work while waiting for your test results, as long as you are not experiencing any symptoms and follow all public health precautions. Should you test positive for COVID-19, do not return to work, and complete the COVID-19 Intake Form. You will be contacted to discuss next steps and to determine when your appropriate return date will be.
Face coverings and physical distancing
Until further notice and until at least Dec. 23, 2022, you must continue wearing a face covering regardless of vaccination status when inside of the city building(s) where the multiple confirmed cases occurred, in vehicles and outdoors when less than 6 feet from another person except:
• When you are alone in a room or vehicle;
• While eating or drinking in the workplace, provided you maintain 6 feet of physical distance from others;
• If you are wearing an N95 mask;
• If you cannot wear a face covering due to a medical or mental health condition or disability, or you are hearing impaired or communicating with a hearing impaired person; or
• When you are performing a specific task that cannot be feasibly performed with a face covering.
N95 masks are available for your voluntary use upon request.
You must resume maintaining 6 feet of physical distance between you and other persons whenever feasible.
Health benefit information
For information about leave and other benefits for those affected by COVID-19, visit the benefits webpage or contact Human Resources at HRBenefits@carlsbadca.gov or call 442-339-2440.
No retaliation or discrimination
Employees who disclose a positive COVID-19 test or diagnosis, or an order to quarantine or isolate, may not be subject to discrimination or retaliation.
Your safety and peace of mind are our highest priorities, as are the privacy rights of infected and exposed individuals. The city continues to meet and exceed public health guidance and Cal/OSHA rules regarding COVID-19. If you have any questions or concerns regarding potential exposure or the contact tracing process, please contact Human Resources at 442-339-2440.