Full-time employees: Your current benefits end Dec. 31 so between Sept. 16 and Oct. 3, you will need to complete open enrollment on-line even if you are not making any changes.
What do I need to do?
· Access Lawson (My Paycheck)
· Select the ‘brain’ icon to access Employee Self Service (ESS)
· Select the OPEN ENROLLMENT tab for the following:
Make your benefit elections or Opt Out of Coverage.
Update your home address and telephone
Confirm/update your emergency contact
Confirm/update your beneficiary
Enter any missing social security numbers for dependents
During the open enrollment period deferred compensation plan changes (e.g. ICMA) can only be made by submitting a Change Form to Human Resources; the form is also available on the HR homepage. Online access to make changes will be available Oct. 8, 2019.
What changes can I make?
Add/ drop family members to your medical, dental, vision plans – eligibility documentation required
Change medical plans
Enroll/Re-enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts for 2020
Enroll/make changes to Additional Life and/or AD&D insurance coverages
Enroll/make changes to Voluntary Plans
Have benefit questions?
Visit the Faraday Center’s Computer Training Room on the dates below, on a first come first serve basis, for HR assistance with your enrollment. Spouses are welcome!
Sept. 17, 18, 23, 24; Oct 1, 2
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
What’s changing?
Medical - In general, plan coverages remain the same. HMO rates increased anywhere from 1.7% to 19.7%. PPO rate increases are 2.8% for PERS Choice and 8.1% for PERS Care, while PERS Select decreased by 2.4%.
Dental & Vision - We are pleased to announce no plan changes and Vision rates slightly decreased.
All information will be available on the HR homepage Friday, Sept. 13
See you at the Health Fair on Sept. 25, 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.!