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Save the date – Benefits workshop Aug. 29 or 30

In preparation for open enrollment, Sept. 18 to Oct. 5, Human Resources is hosting two benefit workshops where you can learn more about medical, vision and dental benefits.

Various benefit carriers will attend and share a brief presentation, with time for questions at the end.

Who should attend?

Any full time or three quarter-time employee who is eligible for benefits

Why should you attend?

If you’re interested about different benefit plans and what they offer

Which carriers will be there?

Aug. 29 – Sharp, Anthem, United Healthcare, United Concordia, VSP vision, Aflac

Aug. 30 – HealthNet, Kaiser, United Concordia, VSP vision, Aflac

When and where?

Aug. 29, 30

Noon to 2 p.m.

Faraday Administration Center, Room 173

Please see the flier below and mark your calendar. We look forward to seeing you there! No registration is needed. Questions? Email



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