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Wellness resources

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

The Human Resources Department is offering a variety of wellness resources and webinars detailed below to provide assistance to city staff during the COVID-19 public health emergency. City staff are encouraged to take advantage of these resources, not only for work but for your everyday health and happiness.

Managing Your Stress

Wellness information to help cope with stress.

TED Talks

"Life's beauty is inseparable from its fragility," says psychologist Susan David. In a special virtual conversation, she shares wisdom on how to build resilience, courage and joy in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Responding to listeners' questions from across the globe, she offers ways to talk to your children about their emotions, keep focus during the crisis and help those working on the front lines. (This virtual conversation is part of the TED Connects series, hosted by head of TED Chris Anderson and current affairs curator Whitney Pennington Rodgers. Recorded March 23, 2020)

Author Priya Parker shares tools for creating meaningful connections with friends, family and coworkers during the corona virus pandemic -- and shows how we can take advantage of gatherings that are unique to this moment of social distancing. "We don't necessarily need to gather more," she says. "We need to gather better." (This virtual conversation is part of the TED Connects series, hosted by head of TED Chris Anderson and current affairs curator Whitney Pennington Rodgers. Recorded March 27, 2020)

Employee Assistance Program

The Standard Employee Assistance Program, in arrangement with Morneau Shepell, can be a resource for support. Assistance includes emotional or work-life counseling, financial information and resources, legal support and resources. See flyer for more information.

Additional Resources

  • Your health care provider: medical groups and insurance providers are sending regular communication related to care options (ex: telehealth services). You can access your health care provider’s website on the city intranet here.


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